What the Adoption Process Looks Like for You

Once you have made the decision to place your child for adoption, you may wonder what the rest of the process will look like for you. The adoption professional will be able to help guide you through the adoption process. Next, you will need to determine what kind of relationship you want with your child. Although placement means you will surrender your parental rights, you will have the task of choosing your child’s adoptive family, which means you want to choose a family that would like the same level of openness in the adoption relationship.

You will also want to begin meeting with a professional to prepare you for the grief that may come after placement. Additionally, it’s important to watch out for postpartum depression and get the help you may need. At the birth of your child, you decide who can be in the hospital with you and how much time you would like to spend with your child after his or her birth.

After the birth of your child, the finalization process and the signing away of your parental rights will be the next steps. After placement, it is important that you continue to seek postpartum care. You will be healing in more ways than one, so take care of yourself and seek any counseling or medical attention that you may need.

Choosing a Family for Your Child

Choosing a family can be an exciting and scary experience in your adoption journey. Decide what kind of qualities you want your child’s parents to have. You might consider making a list of these qualities. Adoption can give you the opportunity to create a relationship with your child’s adoptive parents, a relationship based on mutual respect and love. This open adoption relationship can add a beautiful dimension to adoption that was missing in previous generations. 

Community Support

One of the best things you can do to help you make this decision is to talk with birth parents and even other women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes getting a little perspective can help clear your head and help you make the right decision for you. Consider reaching out on forums and groups. There are many that have gone before you. You are not alone in facing this and you are not the first to face this. Be comforted that there are others on a similar journey and rely on each other for support.

It’s Your Choice

This is completely your choice. Until you terminate your parental rights, your baby is yours so consider carefully before deciding on placing your child. You should feel confident about your decision. Adoption is a permanent decision for you and your child.